
Eiffel Tower with travelers

Her ‘Odyssey’

By Corbyn Aquino The classroom had always felt a little too small for the big dreams she envisioned.  At 40 years old, with 19 years of teaching under...
Homemade bracelets

Vibrant Visions

By Maddie Soldaat Everyone has their style special to them. People today often follow trends, but every so often you find someone unique in their own ...
Coaches in pool

Diving Into Magic

By Kye Berger The swimming pool can lead you to places you wouldn’t expect. It’s not Magic, it’s just darned good luck. Laura Seibold-Caudill is the c...
Esports logo

Game Changers

By Roman Ashcraft Esports can be an overlooked club. Not a lot of students know about it, but the students in Esports have some fun stories. Sophomore...
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