
COLUMN: Solo to Duet

COLUMN: Solo to Duet

By Maddy Cooper More than 200 students, at least 10 concerts a year, and just one director.  With the choral department at Delta High School continuing to grow, it is clear that the Delaware Community School Corporation should hire a second choir teacher to assist Ms. Elana Camp.   To start, the overall enrollment of the…

COLUMN: A Snow Day Solution
Academics, Opinion

COLUMN: A Snow Day Solution

By Landon Williams Covid-19 had just made a huge impact all throughout America, and everyone was panicking. Schools were beginning to shut down and had to think of an educational alternative system, fast. This was when E-learning became a regular routine for the everyday student. The past two school years E-learning has suddenly disappeared without…

COLUMN: Safety Matters

COLUMN: Safety Matters

By Tatianna Gomez-Lucero As the years pass, schools have reinforced safety policies. According to DistrictAdministration.com, 92% of public schools have either a sworn law enforcement officer or school resource officer as of the 2022-23 school year. But that is not enough. Metal detectors should be installed in Indiana high schools and middle schools to help…

COLUMN: Rethinking the Routine

COLUMN: Rethinking the Routine

By Jensen Boyd As time passes, so do ideas. They get replaced with new, better and bolder ones. Well … not always.  Around 20 years ago Delta High School adopted a new class schedule. This change replaced the old 7:45 a.m. start schedule with the new 8:40 a.m. start schedule.  As a result, this would…

Wallets Begging For Mercy
Features, Opinion

Wallets Begging For Mercy

By Madalyn Milner  “I saw some new electric garden trimmers. They’re cutting hedge technology,” your dad says as you’re both at Lowe’s.  Let’s be real, your dad isn’t cool. As you both go back to the car, he’s laughing and yelling, “What a knee slapper!”  Everybody goes out shopping at some point in their life,…

COLUMN: More Than Just Music
Features, Opinion

COLUMN: More Than Just Music

By Finley Magga On Jan. 31, 1993 the 27th Super Bowl halftime show started and Michael Jackson emerged from the stage. He then put on a halftime performance that would change the course of the Super Bowl halftime shows forever.  Just the year before in 1992, the average viewership for the halftime show sat at…

COLUMN: ‘Max Out’ Our Potential

COLUMN: ‘Max Out’ Our Potential

By Jackson Teal “Project 2020” was a plan to implement a $6 million fitness center that would ultimately become the envy of East Central Indiana. The high-end nature of the weight room along with the size of the facility gives it the ability to house 100 athletes at once. It is unacceptable to not “max…

COLUMN: Help us George Lucas, you’re our only hope

COLUMN: Help us George Lucas, you’re our only hope

By Finley Magga Ever since George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, signed away the rights to Disney in 2012, Star Wars has never been the same. Star Wars has taken a complete fall, losing both its meaning and billions of dollars in mistakes all because of Disney.  Star Wars is known for its insane…


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