All in a Day’s Work

All in a Day’s Work

By Kinsley Wilson

It was freshman Ryleigh Warner’s first day at her job at McDonalds. She came in that day ready for the experience and hopeful to make some money. She started learning the reins and figuring things out. 

But when she went to make her first McFlurry and started to spin it, the drink spilled all over her clothes, shoes and hair. 

“I was so embarrassed so my co-worker came up to me and said, ‘Everyone cries their first day,’ and I was just thinking, ‘No that shouldn’t be a thing. That’s not how this should work,’” Warner said.

Young people seem to always have horror stories at work. 

Warner got her first job at age 14. After the McFlurry mishap, Warner had a steadier time on the job but some customers were pushing her limits. She was working the second drive-thru window handing people their food when a customer pulled up and started yelling about ketchup. The whole store could hear her. 

She got her co-worker to come over and try to calm the lady down, but the woman continued to rant. Her co-worker then grabbed a handful of ketchup packets and threw them in the car, then slammed the window.

¨I don’t understand why people think they can treat people that way especially over some ketchup,¨ Warner said. 

Girl throws ketchup.
Freshman Ryleigh Warner re-enacts how a co-worker threw ketchup in a customer’s car. (Photo by Kinsley Wilson)

Freshman Baylee Kneble is another who experienced a horror story at work. She started working at a catering company at 14 as well. 

Baylee worked 10-hour shifts every once in a while on the weekends catering weddings and other events. One weekend, she started the day having a softball game and was already tired. She was there with two other 14-year-old girls.

“There were only three of us and there was an older guy who showed us what to do for about 30 minutes and then he just left,” Kneble said. “We didn’t know what to do.¨ 

They continued to work and had to make a large salad. Baylee spilled all of the cheese into the bowl and all the tomatoes fell on the ground. The girls were freaking out.

They had to serve about 150 people with five plates and two glasses each.

“My mom had bought the three of us Taco Bell, and we were running into the kitchen taking a bite and then running out to serve the guests,” Kneble said.

After the whole thing had happened the girls were outside scraping off plates into a dumpster and the mother of the bride came out and took pictures of them and helped them inside. She told them she was sorry and gave them each $20 for the struggle.

Boy standing in rain.
Junior Caleb Hewitt is shown outside in the rain, representing how it rained inside his work one day. (Photo by Kinsley Wilson)

Junior Caleb Hewitt also has another funny story. He was working at Chipotle and it was a rainy day outside. He noticed that water started filling the back room, flooding the kitchen. 

“The gutter started filling up and couldn’t hold the water. It started coming in through the door like it was raining inside!” Hewitt exclaimed. Hewitt made about 12$ an hour and worked around 20 hours a week. Hewitt still works there to this day

March 2, 2023

About Author

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kinsleywilson Kinsley Wilson is a freshman at DHS. She plays JV volleyball and does diving. Her favorite things are hanging out with her friends, getting hype before games, Sprite, Lil Yachty and eating Puerta.


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