And Then There Were None
Features, News

And Then There Were None

By Daisy Callow

Have you ever watched something and wondered how it was created? How long did it take? How much effort must’ve been put into it?

It’s something that is often overlooked. Take for example, Delta’s upcoming spring play. 

The Delta Troupers’ crew will present the superlative mystery play, And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie. The play will be Thursday through Saturday (March 10 to March 12).  The Thursday and Friday shows begin at 7 p.m., with the Saturday matinee at 2 p.m. Tickets are $5.

Junior Kaley Hartley (right) and exchange student Sara Longoni paint the set on Wednesday, March 9. Many students work behind the scenes to make plays happen. (Photo by Nathan Sites)

The freshmen English classes are currently reading the novel. The whole freshmen class will also be watching the play for free on Friday, March 11 during school hours. 

Having prior knowledge of the novel will enhance the understanding of the play,” says Mrs. Dawn Raleigh, director of the Delta Troupers. “It may be stressful for the performers, but they also really enjoy having a large audience.” 

This poem shows some of the developments that take place in the play, “And Then There Were None.” (Photo by Nathan Sites)

Not all freshmen will be watching the play from the audience, though. Some will be backstage helping produce it! 

“I prefer to not be on stage,” freshman Jax Hines says. “I really just love doing makeup over acting any day. It’s much more fun to me.” 

The Delta Troupers have been working hard on stage and behind the scenes for the play. 

“Technical/backstage/behind the scenes crew are so essential, yet are often overlooked,” Raleigh says. 

With working behind the scenes, there are some difficulties. 

“Making sure everyone and everything is where they are supposed to be is probably the hardest thing,” says stage manager Alisha Fields, junior. 

Student with drill
Senior Drew Auker uses a drill to connect walls on the set of “And Then There Were None.” In addition to acting on stage, many students also help in other ways. (Photo by Nathan Sites)

All of the crew gives a lot of effort into making sure this play is entertaining for us. Senior Abby Raleigh works on lighting, set layouts, color schemes, hair, and furniture. Junior Kylee Hines works with mainly makeup. Senior Aurora Ledbetter works on hair. 

Seniors Amber Langdon, Reed Talbot, and Monica Langdon and junior Heath Sprague work on properties and design. 

But it isn’t only about the actors and actresses, or only about the behind the scenes crew. 

“To do shows well, one has to trust the process and be committed to himself and his cast and crew mates,” Raleigh says. 

March 10, 2022

About Author

daisycallow Daisy Callow is a freshman at Delta High School. Her favorite subject in school is English. She has a dog named Django. She enjoys reading and rainy days. She's incredibly awful at science. Her favorite book trope is enemies to lovers. She's a stubborn Capricorn and loves the ocean.


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