Senior Q&A: LAST NAMES E – G
News, Seniors

Senior Q&A: LAST NAMES E – G

Trevor Edgerton
Trevor Edgerton

Trevor Edgerton

Q:What was your favorite year of high school and why?

A: “I would probably say my sophomore year, just because that was kind of the year when I first got involved with varsity sports and stuff like that so I started to make older friends as I was growing up through high school.”


Q: What are some top items on your bucket list moving forward?

A: “I think definitely graduating college is one because no one in my family has made it that far, and just getting a good job that I like.”


Q: What’s your best moment ever in a sport and explain it?

A: “I would say my first football varsity start. We played against New Castle my sophomore year. It was fun because it was a big game and we won by a lot.”


Q: What are your plans for the future and why?

A: “I’m going to Franklin College and majoring in criminal justice.  I don’t want to be in a job where I sit at a desk every day from nine to five. I want to be out working with people.”

Braxton Edwards
Braxton Edwards

Braxton Edwards

Q: How do you think you’ve changed throughout high school?

A: “Besides physically, I think I’ve changed because it’s taught me to handle stress better and how to read a room with emotions and you’re exposed to so many types of people that you learn how to talk to people and avoid stepping on people’s toes.”


Q: What is your favorite sports moment during high school?

A: “We were at Greenfield-Central my junior year playing football. It was the coldest football game in the history of football games; no one was up for the game and we were going to kill this team anyway. And Trevor Edgerton started hyping the whole team up.”


Q: What are your plans for the future?

A: “I’m going to Ball State and majoring in business.”

Summer Ellington
Summer Ellington

Summer Ellington

Q: Who was your favorite teacher during high school?

A: “Mr. Richardson. English was definitely not my strong suit, and he made it an easy class to take.”


Q: What is a piece of advice you’d give to an underclassman?

A: “Do your homework as best as possible.”


Q: What was your favorite year of high school and why?

A: “Senior year because it was easiest.”


Q: What are your plans for after high school?

A: “I’m going to college and majoring in business.”

Faith Erk
Faith Erk

Faith Erk

Q: What’s one word you would use to describe this year? Why? 

A: “Motivation. For me, it took a large amount of motivation to get work done during COVID and to stay on track with everything.”


Q: What life skills did you learn in high school? 

A: “A life skill I’ve learned is how to get through a pandemic. Most people my age have never gone through anything like this before. It’s life-changing.”


Q: What are some top items on your bucket list?  

A: “A few items on my bucket list are to travel to England, find a job in a local shop, and fix my bike.”


Q: What are your plans for the future?

A: “I plan to go to culinary school and find a well-paying job for a chef.”

Tatyana Ervin
Tatyana Ervin

Tatyana Ervin

Q: What class has made the biggest impact on you throughout high school?

A: “Choir because it gets me out there.”


Q: What year of high school has been your favorite?

A: “Senior year because I got to relax and have some easier classes.”


Q: What’s a piece of advice you would give to an underclassman?

A: “Get involved. If there’s anything you want to try, try it because you don’t get a second chance.”


Q: What are your plans for after high school

A: “I’m going to go to Ivy Tech and become a labor and delivery nurse.”

Michael Fish
Michael Fish

Michael Fish

Q:What was your favorite year of high school and why?

A: “Probably this year because I’m getting out.”


Q: Who was your favorite teacher during high school and why?

A: “Mr. Grams. I’ve had him almost every year and it’s just one of my favorite classes.”


Q: What’s one word you would use to describe your senior year?

A: “Hectic. Trying to finish up everything in one year has been crazy.”


Q: What are your plans for after high school and what inspires you to do that?

A: “Small jobs to save money up here and there and then the service, and it’s just really the only thing I’m good at.”

Aaron Flanders
Aaron Flanders

Aaron Flanders

Q: How do you think you’ve changed throughout high school?

A: “I think I’ve gotten a lot more mature and gotten to know myself better.”


Q: What is one word you would use to describe senior year and why?

A: “Interesting, because everything has been different in a lot of ways from the rest of high school.”


Q: What life skills that you learned in high school will help you later on?

A: “Just interpersonal skills.”


Q: What are your plans for after high school and what inspires you to do that?

A: “I’m going to the Navy, and I leave July 19th. It was just the best option for me.”

Laura Fowler
Laura Fowler

Laura Fowler

Q: What was your favorite year of high school and why?

A: “Probably senior year. Even though there was a pandemic, it was still the most fun and chill.”


Q:What piece of advice would you give an underclassman?

A: “Just get involved and try lots of different stuff.”


Q: Who or what are you going to miss most from high school

A: “Probably just seeing my friends every day and we’re all going our separate ways, so I’ll miss them.”


Q: What are your plans after high school?

A: “I’m going to Loyola Chicago and studying social work.”

Lucas Fox
Lucas Fox

Lucas Fox

Q: What was your favorite year of high school and why?

A: “Senior year because I don’t have any homework ever.”


Q:Who was your favorite teacher during high school and why?

A: “Mr. Keller, because he made math tolerable.”


Q:What will you miss most about high school?

A: “I will miss being able to see friends every day and playing sports.”


Q:What are your plans for the future and what inspires you to do that?

A: “I plan to do 20 years in the Army, and I am inspired to do it because a lot of my family has been in the Army.”

Kennedi Freiburger
Kennedi Freiburger

Kennedi Freiburger

Q : Which class has made the biggest impact on you? Why?

A: “I would say probably English has made the biggest impact. It has helped me learn how to write well and give me more critical thinking skills.”


Q: What life skills did you learn in high school?

A: “I learned how to manage my time and to not procrastinate, even though I still sometimes do.”


Q: What are your plans for after high school?

A: “I’m going to Ball State. I’m going to major in psychology with a focus on criminal justice.”

Ginny Goul
Ginny Goul

Ginny Goul

Q: Who was your favorite teacher in high school?

A: “Mr. Trehearne for sure. Never failed to reach out to me whether it be through seeing me in the hallways, after class, after school, even at my work. He is hands down the sweetest and most caring teacher I’ve ever come across.”


Q: What piece of advice would you give to underclassmen or incoming freshmen?

A: “Advice I would give is to take it as easy as you can. High school isn’t your entire life, even though going five days a week for seven  hours straight may feel like it is. Your mental health  and other priorities are just as important or even more important. Be yourself and try to stay out of drama. Take care of yourself, you’re always going to be your own best friend and that’s the best relationship you could ever have. Not everyone needs to know everything, stay humble and focused, and stay true to yourself.”


Q: What are your plans for after high school?

A: “I’m going to Ivy Tech for a year then transferring to Ball State to hopefully study something in communications or social work and then eventually move out of Indiana.”


Joseph Gowin

Q: How do you think you have changed throughout high school?

A: “I think I’ve changed a good bit. I think going through high school has helped me grow as a person and find my calling as far as real world jobs go.”


Q: What or who are you going to miss the most from high school? Why?

A: “I think I’ll miss some of my teachers the most. They’ve always been willing to help and educate me even with the virus going on.”


Q: What are your plans for after high school?

A: “After high school I plan to go to Vincennes University to get a degree in agriculture.”

Alyssa Gregory
Alyssa Gregory

Alyssa Gregory

Q: What are some top items on your bucket list?

A: “I’d really like to travel the world some, maybe visit Europe, and I’d also maybe like to go skydiving at some point.”


Q: What was your favorite year from high school? Why?

A: “Probably freshman year because it was still kind of easy to get by back then without trying too hard.”


Q: What are your plans for after high school?

A: “I plan to study genetics at Purdue University.”

Ainzli Grismore
Ainzli Grismore

Ainzli Grismore

Q: What’s your best moment ever in a sport? 

A: “Probably the summer of my junior year volleyball, it was super fun.”


Q: What was your favorite year in high school?

A: “Probably sophomore year, it was fun.”


Q: What are your plans for after high school?

A: “I’m going to Ball State to study nursing.”

Mary Groover
Mary Groover

Mary Groover

Q: What was your most embarrassing moment in high school?

A: “My friend Emily and I were in the theatre class and we had to write a play for the final. The play involved a murder and someone was killed with a gun so for some reason we decided that I would bring a fake gun from home. I brought it in and Mrs. Raleigh said I should probably talk to Officer Marvin about it so we went out to him and he wasn’t very happy with us. He had to escort me to the office to make sure I didn’t get in trouble and it was a really big deal.”


Q: What is one word to describe this year? Why?

A: “Uncertain because of Covid and we’re graduating so there’s a lot of uncertainty about that.”


Q: What are your plans for after high school?

A: “I think I’m going to IU but I’m not sure yet.”

Ray Groscost
Ray Groscost

Ray Groscost

Q: Which class made the biggest impact on you? Why?

A: “Probably my college chemistry course with Mr. Summers. He was one of my best teachers and one of my favorite courses in this school.”


Q: What are some top items on your bucket list?

A: “I want to go to Japan one day, I want to see cherry blossoms, I want to go to Hawaii, and I want to start a family.”


Q: What are your plans for after high school?

A: “I am going to Purdue to major in food science and I want to eventually get my Master’s.”

April 29, 2021

About Author

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Zach Gullion Zach Gullion is a second-year newspaper student and a sophomore at Delta. He plays baseball for Indiana Primetime and Delta, and he enjoys watching the Cincinnati Reds. He also enjoys doing DIY projects, playing spikeball, watching “Friends,” and eating Hot Pockets.


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