By Collin Haughn
Walking back into his house in Belgium for the first time in almost six months, foreign exchange student Matteo Cadeddu was ecstatic to see his family.
Matteo returned to Belgium on Dec. 28, just a few days after Christmas.
“My parents were really sad when I left, but they knew it was going to be a really good experience for me and my English,” Matteo said. “When I got back, they were really happy to see me and they were impressed [with how] my accent changed so much!”
When reflecting on his experience in the United States as a foreign exchange student at Delta High School, Matteo said, “It was amazing. I mean a crazy experiment. I will think of it the rest of my life because it has been so funny. Discovering the culture and meeting people was amazing.”
While in Belgium, he studies math and science and plays baseball and bocce ball. In Belgium they don’t have a baseball team for the school. Matteo plays with adults rather than people his age.
“Playing baseball in the US is so chill and fun because you have amazing fields to play on and the coaches are amazing,” he said.
During his time here in Indiana, Matteo stayed with current freshman, Jacob Williams and his family. Jacob has a sister that doesn’t live with him, so he is more like an only child.

Jacob said, “It was like a new experience, and it was fun and wasn’t boring around the house, he made it lively, and not quiet.”
Since Matteo has been studying science and math, he is going to a university to study engineering, and more science and math.