By Collin Haughn
Have you ever had to do chores around your house? Well, that is what most custodians do for a living.
No matter what they are doing, the custodians are working hard to keep our school clean. They work all day and night so we can have a good day at a clean school.
There is the first shift, which is from around 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Second shift is from 3 p.m. to 11:30 pm. Third shift custodians come in at 11:30 p.m. and work until 7:30 a.m.
So imagine you are a custodian. You walk in during the morning and leave in the afternoon. During that time, you pretty much do what you can do to keep the school clean. You clean tables, floors, and classrooms if they need it. You also work on plumbing and electricity if you can.
Lisa Baker, the head custodian, said, “I pretty much do whatever the school needs done. If I can do it, we will do it.”
So now you are a second shift custodian. You walk in near the end of the school day, and you clean up messes and sanitize everything and work on bigger projects. For example, you might be helping with the auditorium that is getting renovated.
Brian Tobias, a second shift custodian, said, “We set up for ball games and any emergencies that come up.” They also get everything ready for the next shift to get set up.

Now you are a third shift custodian. You come in late at night to get things ready for the next school day.
Christopher Beall, a third shift custodian, said, “I clean all of my classrooms, get all trash, vacuum the floors, clean desks, and clean all chalkboards and trays.”
Third-shift custodians also finish getting tables and other things set up, they also get the vending machines filled, and test to make sure everything works.
Since they are everywhere, and the classes can’t even run without them, it could be said that custodians are the hub of the school.