Back for the Eagles
Football, Sports

Back for the Eagles

By: Chloe Newsome 

Practicing in the hot sun. Preparing to take on a new season. But one injury can change everything for this football team. 

Sophomore Nolan Carpenter injured his right hamstring over the summer of 2022. Carpenter was at practice when he suddenly realized he had been injured. “I actually got injured by simply just planting too hard into the ground on a cut and I heard a pop,” Carpenter said. “It hurt severely to walk or move it.”

photo of football player
Nolan Carpenter is a key player for the Delta Eagles offense. (Photo Provided)

Carpenter was out of football for two long months. Carpenter wanted to be out on the field with his team. “Mentally my injury affected me by just hoping that my recovery is quick and I can get back out there as soon as possible,” Carpenter said. “It was a long, difficult, and painful process back but I’m finally back.” 

Carpenter’s injury didn’t only affect him. His injury also affected the whole team. Now that Carpenter is back, the team can start planning on how he can help the team. “He’s coming back at a really good time because we are at the midpoint of our season and every year there’s injuries, so he’s coming back with fresh legs to give the offense a boost,” head football coach Chris Overholt said.

football player running with ball
Nolan Carpenter runs in for an Eagle touchdown. (Photo Provided)

Carpenter doesn’t want to be out again for football. Carpenter is taking lots of precautions to make sure he doesn’t have a re-injury. “I do tons of stretching throughout the week and especially before Friday nights,” Carpenter said. 

Along with all these precautions, Carpenter uses the elliptical machine on the sidelines of games because it prevents him from getting leg cramps and keeps his legs loose. 

Carpenter is looking forward to finally getting to come back and work as a team with the Eagles. “I’m looking forward to showing everyone what a factor I can be on our offense and the potential our team has once everyone is doing their jobs and clicking,” Carpenter said. “Coach Lynch has some things up his sleeve when Jayleon and I are back, so I cant wait to see what that holds for us.”

October 5, 2022

About Author

Chloe Newsome

chloenewsome Chloe Newsome is a sophomore at Delta. Chloe enjoys going to cheer, which she has done for three years. She is on two different teams. Chloe spends her free time hanging out with her friends.


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