By Luciano Squillante
Achievements are things that make time stamps in your life so you can look back and say “I did that.” This senior has done many things that allow her to say that famous phrase.
Senior Madelyne Robbins has done many things in her life from performing in choir concerts to helping people.

Robbins started off her freshman year playing tennis, finishing with an 11-3 record in JV doubles. She also helped manage the boys’ tennis team. She stopped playing the following year due to her getting a job.
She joined many groups during her time at high school. The one she is the most passionate about is the choir class.
“I have always been a singer since I was really little, and I have been in choir since elementary school.”
When Robbins was in her sophomore year of high school, she decided to partake in teacher’s aide and help Mrs. Hopkins, which she thinks is enjoyable.
“Maddy makes me laugh, which is priceless,” Mrs. Hopkins said. “She is very driven to help me and I think we learn from each other.”
Her mom is now a stay-at-home mom that takes care of their two dogs (Herbert and Milly).

Her dad is a manager/salesman at Clearwater Car Wash in Muncie. Robbins herself is planning on being a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technician.
“My mom, aunt and uncle were nurses. My aunt was an MRI technician and I have always wanted to be an MRI technician.”
Robbins plans to go to IU Kokomo and live in an apartment nearby. She is sad that she is leaving her family, but she is only 45 minutes away, so she can still drive to them from time to time.
The thing she wishes she would have joined is the PRIDE team (soon to be HYPE team) and teach young kids about the consequences of drug abuse. Still, though, she managed to have a good time at Delta.