By Nathan Sites
Who are some funny people in Delta High School? I didn’t know before, but I went searching far and wide for some funny seniors with some funny jokes. With the help of a lunch lady, we’ve got 21 jokes for the Class of 2021. Here they are!
Creator: Sabrina McElyea
Joke 1: What kind of exercise do lazy people do?
Joke 2: How do you make Lady Gaga mad?
Poke her face
Creator: Natalee Bohanon
Joke 3: How does the moon cut his hair?
E-clipse it
Joke 4: What do you call a pig that does karate?
A pork chop
Creator: Callum Hotmire
Joke 5: What did the fish say when he ran into the wall?
Oh, dam.
Creator: Ja’crispy (Hunter Wilson)
Joke 6: What rock group has four men that don’t sing?
Mount Rushmore.
Creator: Amara Roberts
Joke 7: Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the other side.
Creator: Katie Rawlings
Joke 8: Why do we tell actors to break a leg?
Because every play has a cast
Creator: Ashleigh Brelage
Joke 9: How do you keep a nerd in suspense?
I’ll tell you later…
Joke 10: Will you remember me in a minute? (Yes)
Will you remember me in an hour? (Yes)
Will you remember me in a day? (Yes)
Will you remember me in a week? (Yes)
Will you remember me in a month? (Yes)
Will you remember me in a year? (Yes)
Will you remember me in 5 years? (Yes)
Will you remember me in ten years? (Yes)
I bet you won’t. (I bet I will)
Knock knock (who’s there)
See! You already forgot me!
Joke 11: Knock knock
*** who’s there? ***
The interrupting cow
*** the interrupting… ***
Joke 12: What do you call a chicken that crosses the road, rolls in the mud, and crosses back over?
A dirty double crosser.
Joke 13: Why did the stop light turn red?
You would too if you had to change in the middle of the street.
Joke 14: How does Moses make tea?
Hebrews it.
Creator: Kylie Del Pozzi
Joke 15: What do you call JKR when she is sent to space?
Creator: Kinsey Matchett
Joke 16: Why can’t dinosaurs talk?
Because they’re dead.
Creator: Eloise McKean
Joke 17: What do you call a gay farmer?
A jolly rancher
Creator: Logan Manor
Joke 18: Did you hear about the guy who cut off the left side of his body?
He’s alright right now
Creator: Morgan Meeks
Joke 19: Why did the M&M want to go to school?
Because he wanted to be a Smartie.
Creator: Kyle Tharp, lunch lady
Joke 20: Why did I get fired from my job at the bank?
A lady asked me to check her balance and I pushed her over.
Joke 21: How many soccer players does it take to change a light bulb?
I don’t know but it would take less if they could use their hands.