Corbin Uhrick
Q: Which class do you think made the biggest impact on you?
A: “Probably government with Mr. Crenshaw. I think it helped guide me into what I wanted to do in college and what I want to do with my life.”
Q: How do you think you changed throughout high school?
A: “I definitely matured a lot since coming in as a freshman. I think I have a better understanding of how the world works and how to communicate with people.”
Q: What are your plans after high school?
A: “I’m going to go to college, it’s just not decided as to where I’m going to go yet. I could play baseball in college or I could stay here and go to Ball State. I think I’m leaning towards staying here and going to Ball State. I’ll study political science or legal studies.”

Jacob Walker
Q: What class do you think made the biggest impact on you?
A: “Probably weight lifting since I’m going into the military. That’s going to be a large portion of the military, just lifting heavy stuff.
Q: What’s one word you’d use to describe this year?
A: “This year is ‘odd.’ With construction going on and with Covid it’s just been odd this entire year.”
Q: Why’d you choose to go into the military?
A: “I didn’t really see myself going into college. Sitting down with recruiters, it made sense that I wanted to go into the military, I just didn’t know what branch. Then I decided to go into the Marine Corps.”

Matthew Ward Thomas
Q: What life skill has high school taught you?
A: “How to do a lot of math.”
Q: Funniest high school moment?
A: “The fights that happen.”
Q: Future Plans?
A: “Go to Ivy Tech and become a police officer.”

Alli Weaver
Q: Which class made the biggest impact on you?
A: “Mrs. Hopkins’ class. Mrs. Hopkins is just such an amazing teacher and made my high school experience just great.”
Q: What life skills did you learn in high school?
A: “Probably not to procrastinate and just how to get stuff done on time.”
Q: What are your plans after high school?
A: “I’m planning on going into nursing. After I took my anatomy class I’ve really had an interest in it. I think overall it’s just very interesting and cool to learn about.”

Reid Webber
Q: Which class made the biggest impact on you?
A: “Maybe my world history class. That was probably the most fun and I felt like I learned the most.”
Q: Who or what are you going to miss most from high school?
A: “Mostly just my friends, my band class, my teacher and everything, and being able to play music with everybody.”
Q: What are your plans after high school?
A: “I’m going to go to HVAC and get a trade. I want to move out and start saving money for college and pay for it on my own.”

Morgan Wells
Q: Which class made the biggest impact on you? Why?
“My sophomore year I took ICP with Mr. Trehearne and I would get horrible grades on the tests until I started taking notes a certain way. Ever since then I have adopted this method of note taking for all of my classes and it helps me score so much better on my tests and quizzes.”
Q: What’s a piece of advice you’d give to underclassmen or incoming freshmen?
A: “It is stressful, I won’t lie. Give it a chance and some quality time and it pays off. Do not wait until the last minute to cram that assignment in. Have good attendance, it makes a world of difference. Also, get on the good side of everyone. Drama is overrated anyway.”
Q: What are your plans after high school?
A: “I plan on going to college. I applied to ten colleges and was accepted into all, but I am going to stay close to home with either Ball State or Ivy Tech. I intend on studying nursing or paramedicine. I would like to study nursing to eventually become a travel nurse or possible flight nurse. The reason behind studying paramedicine is to become a paramedic since I am already in a fire department and you can get your nursing degree with little effort by studying paramedicine. For my career I have options: travel nurse, flight nurse, or a nurse practitioner. Or a career firefighter/paramedic.”
Conner Welton

Q: How do you think you’ve changed throughout high school?
A: I believe that I have become more independent though the fruit of my own effort.
Q: What’s one word you’d use to describe this year? Why?
A: Busy. With dual credit classes on top of college classes, this year has been busy.
Q: What are your plans after high school?
A: I plan to go to Ball State University and major in Computer Information Systems.

Sarah Whitesel
Q: What are your College plans?
A: “My plans are to go to Ball State with a major in nursing as of now. I don’t really have any other plans.”
Q:What/Who are you going to miss most from high school?
A: “I’m going to miss track season the most”
Q: What was your favorite year of high school?
A:“ My favorite year was sophomore year because of (English teacher) Mrs. Fox. Her class was really fun.”

Javaughn Whitfield
Q: Which class has had the biggest impact on you and why?
A: “My business classes have had the biggest impact on me.”
Q: How have you changed throughout high school?
A: “Going into freshman year, I was a little hyper kid. I feel like I’ve learned a lot.”
Q: Plans after high school?
A: “Go to Ball State. Study business. Make some money.”

Mitchell Whitmer
Q: What class has had the biggest impact on you?
A: “Personal Finance. It teaches you important things about your future.”
Q: One word you would use to describe this year?
A: “Odd. Weird.”
Q: Plans after high school?
A: “I’m going to Ball State.”

Ethan Whitney
Q: What class has had the biggest impact on you?
A: “My first algebra class with Mrs. Young. It was my freshman year, and it was the most fun class I’ve had in high school so far, just because she got everyone so active. She got along with students really well, too. That made it fun as well. Her learning style is really fun.”
Q: What was your favorite year from high school and why?
A: “Freshman year, because it’s the year my whole friend group came over to the high school. But then half of them split off.”
Q: What are your plans after high school?
A: “Go to Ivy Tech to learn to work on Toyota and Lexus cars. After that, I might go to UTI, which is University Technical Institute, and learn to work on Ford cars. And then I’d want to get to the BMW academy to learn to work on BMWs.”

Grant Williams
Q: What class has had the biggest impact on you and why?
A: “Government class and economics class because they teach you how the world actually is.”
Q: What are your plans as far as college?
A: “Take a gap year, live my life before I go to college. Maybe become a personal trainer and play football.”
Q: What is your favorite memory from a sport?
A: “Honestly, just running onto the field for the first time, knowing that I was going to play varsity.”

Hunter Wilson
Q: How have you changed throughout high school?
A: “I got taller, smarter, I think. Other than that I’m pretty much the same person I was.”
Q: What class has had the biggest impact on you?
A: “Yearbook. I met a lot of new people, made some new friends. It’s beyond my comfort zone.”
Q: In one word, how would you describe this year?
A: “Hectic.”
Q: Plans after high school?
A: I’m going to work for about a year and figure something out from there.”

Riley Windsor
Q: What life skills did you learn in high school?
A: “Mostly people things. How to talk to people, that kind of stuff.”
Q: What’s the best moment in a sport you’ve had?
A: “I’d probably say any time we’ve gone places as a whole (tennis) team. One good good example is we went to Culver Lake and swam in it.”
Q: What are your plans as far as college?
A: “Right now, I think I’m going to major in computer engineering at Rose-Hulman.”

Luke Woodson
Q: Which class do you think has had the biggest impact on you?
A: “Weightlifting, because it taught me a lot about how to train my body, it made me stronger, made me fall in love with lifting weights.”
Q: What are you going to miss most from high school?
A: “The comradery of seeing everybody every day. Getting to hang out with people I probably won’t see anymore.”
Q: Plans after high school?
A: “Go to Ivy Tech to study physical therapy. After that, move out of Indiana.”

Brayden Wormer
Q: Which class made the biggest impact on you?
A: “Government because I like history and Mr. Crenshaw is a great teacher”
Q: What was your favorite year from high school and why?
A: “Sophomore year because I had a lot of fun with my friends that year and there was no Covid”
Q: What/Who are you going to miss most from high school?
A: “Nothing really”
Q: What are your college plans?
A: “I plan on going to college for history.”

Allison Wright
Q: How do you think you’ve changed throughout high school?
A: “I’ve faced many challenges over the course of my high school career, and I’ve really grown up and become independent. I don’t care nearly as much what others think anymore.”
Q: What’s your best moment ever in a co-curricular activity?
A: “Band. The last home basketball game my sophomore year against New Castle before we went to county. The band played ‘Rage’ so loud I lost my hearing for a solid two minutes. Everyone was super excited because we were about to win.”
Q: What’s a piece of advice you’d give to underclassmen or incoming freshmen?
A: “Everyone has their own issues and you have to focus on your own and not take other people’s issues personally. You have to keep going for yourself, and no one else. In a constantly changing world, be someone you can rely on.”
Q:What are your plans as far as college, trade school, military, or going straight into the workforce?
A: “I’m going to attend Ball State in the fall and major in Psychology. I plan on becoming a therapist.”
Colten Wright
Q: What’s your favorite moment ever in a sport?
A: “My favorite moment in a sport was winning county two years in a row in track. Every year it’s always so hype.”
Q:What are your college plans?
A: “If I go to college it will be something in athletics such as an athletic trainer. My sure plan is to go into the Army and go into airborne infantry and just move up ranks. I plan on retiring from the Army.”
Q:What was your favorite year of high school and why?
A: “Favorite year has been senior year because I have been able to do homework online so it gives me more time to work, improve in the weight room, and improve in track.”
Q:What’s one word you would use to describe this year?
A: “I’d use determination because my schedule is busy from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed so it takes a lot of determination and motivation to get through it.”

Josef Zacek
Q:What are your college plans?
A: “Ball State for exercise science for possibly four years then after possibly a graduate program for another few years for physical therapy.”
Q:Which class made the biggest impact on you?
A: “Junior year Mr. Keller’s math class because I could learn study skills and figure out math.”
Q:What was your favorite year from high school and why?
A: “Senior year because my tennis season was really fun and I met a lot of new friends.”
Q:What’s one word you would use to describe this year?
A: “Eventful because Covid cancelled a lot of stuff and a few of my tennis tournaments but on the bright side I’ve made some of my best friends this year.”

Grayson Zgunda
Q:What are your college plans?
A: “I’m going to Ball State for accounting for four years”
Q:Which class made the biggest impact on you?
A: “Personal finance because I learned a lot about money and how to make and save it.”
Q:What was your favorite year from high school and why?
A: “Sophomore year because there was no Covid and everything was very relaxed and open.”