Erin Sadgebury
Q: What was your favorite year in high school? Why?
A: “I would say junior year, just because we got out early.”
Q: What are some of the top items on your bucket list?
A: “I am trying to graduate high school and then get into college.”
Q: What are your future plans? Why do you plan to do this?
A: “I would say probably also graduating, because you kind of need that. That’s pretty much it.”

Brady Samuels
Q: What was your favorite year in high school? Why:
A: “I would say probably this one [senior year]. I’ve just had fun and just made the most of the COVID year.”
Q: Who was your favorite teacher? Why?
A: “Mr. Lewman. We just got along really well, talked a lot about sports, and had a good time.”
Q: How did participating in athletics at Delta shape you as a person?
A: “It changed my work ethic a lot, and it helped me be more self-disciplined.”

Ian Sanders
Q: What was your favorite year in high school? Why?
A: “Probably either last year [junior year] or the year before [sophomore year] just because of the friends I had.”
Q: What are some of the top items on your bucket list?
A: “Get my license and get a house.”
Q: What are your future plans? Why do you plan to do this?
A: “I’m probably going to Ivy Tech — well, I’m going to Ivy Tech — and I’m going to do HVAC because they’re making decent money right now. And, I might try to do welding eventually.
Q: What was your favorite moment from your years at Delta?
A: “Any moment with friends.”

Jackson Schafstall
Q: What was your favorite year in high school? Why?
A: “Oh, probably, I’d have to say junior year because it was just — I don’t know. All the new things people were doing.”
Q: What are some of the top items on your bucket list?
A: “Probably just graduating college.”
Q: What are your future plans? Why do you plan to do this?
A: “Go to Ball State, study business, and that’s I all I’ve got right now. A business major just sounds easy.”

Ethan Scheid
Q: What was your favorite year in high school? Why?
A: “Senior year, because I get to go to the welding class at Ivy Tech.”
Q: What are some of the top items on your bucket list?
A: “Live a happy life, I guess.”
Q: What are your future plans? Why do you plan to do this?
A: “I would like to get a welding job, work, have a good life, and have fun.”

Aubree Seals
Q: What was your favorite year in high school? Why?
A: “My favorite year in high school was probably sophomore year, because that’s when I actually started getting involved in Blue Crew, and I tried out for the theatre team, but I didn’t make it. That was also the year I tried Dance Marathon, and I really enjoyed raising money for the kids. Yeah, so just getting involved made it a better year.”
Q: What are some of the top items on your bucket list?
A: “The top item on my bucket list is probably going on more adventures, because my life is pretty boring. I’d like to hike the mountains and just to get to know more about nature.”
Q: What are your future plans? Why do you plan to do this?
A: “My future plans are to become a teacher. I got accepted into Ball State, so I’m going to be in their teachers’ college. I’m going to try to be an elementary teacher because I love kids.”

Jack Shafer
Q: What was your favorite year from high school and why?
A: “Sophomore year because that’s when I really came out of my shell, went out a lot and met some cool people.”
Q: What’s your best moment ever in a sport? Explain the details.
A: “Probably the Pendleton Heights game this year in football. We haven’t beat them in like four years and we beat them this year. It was great.”
Q: Who was your favorite teacher in high school? In the corporation? Why?
A: “A tie between Mrs. Kunk and Ms. Smith because I really could just go in there and be myself. They don’t really care ’cause I keep my grade up.”

Brett Shearer
Q: Who was your favorite teacher in high school? In the corporation? Why?
A: “That would probably be Mr. Orchard who retired my sophomore year. He was just a really chill dude. He taught me a lot and was somebody I could talk to while I got my feet on the ground here at Delta.”
Q: What’s a piece of advice you’d give to underclassmen or incoming freshmen?
A: “Don’t let the expectations of other people get the better of you. Really do what makes you happy as long as you are able to pass your classes and graduate. Just take it slow and do what you can.”
Q: What life skills did you learn in high school?
A: “I learned a lot about responsibility and the consequences of not doing what needs to be done…. Sometimes you need to be on top of everything.”
Q: What do you plan on doing after high school?
A: “I’m not really sure. It depends on how next year is looking to be. I might be going to college. If I do then I’ll be looking to be a teacher. If this whole Covid thing isn’t over by the beginning of next year then I’ll go into the workforce.”

Levi Shelley
Q: What/Who are you going to miss most from high school? Why?
A: “Probably just experimenting with computers and tools. Also playing games with my friends.”
Q: How do you think you’ve changed throughout high school?
A: “I definitely think I’ve gotten a lot more mature.”
Q: What are some top items on your bucket list?
A: “I want to try making big video games.”

Olivia Sherman
Q: What was your favorite year from high school and why?
A: “Freshman year because I actually didn’t have to do anything.”
Q: What/Who are you going to miss most from high school? Why?
A: “I’m going to miss the band the most and Libby Crouch because she is my best friend and she is not graduating with me.”
Q: What do you plan on doing after high school?
A: “I’m taking a gap year and then going to college to study Spanish and pre law.”

Aubrey Showalter
Q: What are you going to miss most about high school and why?
A: “I’m going to miss Mr. Summer the most because he was always a teacher I could count on for help. He’s the reason I passed my math classes.”
Q: What class made the biggest impact on you? Why?
A: “Animal Science made the biggest impact on me because I want to have a career with an animal shelter while I attend college. I’m 100 percent an animal lover.”
Q: What are your plans after high school?
A: “During college I will be studying pre veterinary science and hopefully I will be a vet tech until I can one day have my own animal rescue.”

Austin Simpson
Q: What was your favorite year from high school and why?
A: “My favorite year was definitely senior year because it was the easy year and it went by the quickest.”
Q: What’s a piece of advice you’d give to underclassmen or incoming freshmen?
A: “My advice to an underclassmen would be to try your hardest and do your work.”
Q: Who was your favorite teacher in high school? In the corporation? Why?
A: “My favorite teacher would be Mrs. Raleigh because she was very helpful and understanding, but also because she taught one of my favorite subjects!”

Emerson Slopsema
Q: What was your favorite year from high school and why?
A: “Probably my junior year because I went into it expecting it to be super hard but I ended up having a lot of fun.”
Q: What’s a piece of advice you’d give to underclassmen or incoming freshmen?
A: “Don’t stress too much …. Yes high school is a bigger picture than middle school but honestly get involved and have fun and enjoy yourself.”
Q: Who was your favorite teacher in high school? In the corporation? Why?
A: “I have a lot but probably Mrs. Young or Mr. Keller.”
Q: What do you plan on doing after high school?
A: “Looking to go into business.”

Kadin Smith
Q: What was your favorite year from high school and why?
A: “Senior year because I go to the MACC and I’m only here for three periods.”
Q: What life skills did you learn in high school?
A: “How to make new friends.”
Q: Who is your favorite teacher and why?
A: “Mrs. Lodl. She was cool and taught me a lot of things I’m interested in like welding and all that.”
Q: What are your plans after high school?
A: “Work with my dad in construction or welding. I enjoy welding and it makes good money…. Same as construction.”

Tanner Southerland
Q: What class made the biggest impact on you and why?
A: “I think the business classes had the biggest impact on me because I feel like you are learning real life skills you will need after high school.”
Q: What was your favorite year of high school and why?
A: “It has probably been senior year even though we’ve had a lot of eLearning and online school and stuff. It’s just been nice to relax.”
Q: What is your best moment in a sport ? Explain your details.
A: “I thought my freshman year in tennis when we won Jeffersonville. I thought that was really big because I was a freshman and I thought it was really cool to win a trophy my first year in high school.”
Q: What do you plan on doing after high school?
A: “I’m going to IU to study business.”

Bray Stebbins
Q: What was your favorite year from high school and why?
A: “I’m going to say my senior year just because all the friends I made and all the things I could do outside of school, and seniors are allowed to do internships so I’m gone half the day and not stuck in a classroom all day.”
Q:What/who are you going to miss most from high school? Why?
A: “I’m going to miss high school sports and being able to talk to my parents every day since they both work here.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “To study agronomy.”

Brock Steigerwalt
Q: What was your favorite year from high school and why?
A: “Sophomore year because it was before Covid and stuff, and I had decent teachers.”
Q: What life skills did you learn in high school?
A: “Just how to act more mature and to get ready for my future career.”
Q: What is your plan for after high school?
A: “I will be working in the manufacturing field.”

Jamie Stephenson
Q: What’s a piece of advice you’d give to underclassmen or incoming freshmen?
A: “Just to pay attention in class.”
Q: What/who are you going to miss most from high school? Why?
A: “Probably Miss Habansky’s class because she keeps it chill in the classroom.”
Q: What is your plan for after high school?
A: “Going to college for criminal justice. I will be going to Ivy Tech for generals and then Ball State.”

Maranda Stotler
Q: What are some top items on your bucket list? Why?
A: “I would like to go scuba diving and skydiving.”
Q: What was your funniest moment in high school?
A: “When I tripped up the stairs.”
Q: What is your plan for after high school?
A: “My plan is to go to Ivy Tech for nursing school.”

Wilson Thomas
Q: Which class made the biggest impact on you? Why?
A: “I would have to say French because the teacher was really 1 on 1 with us and it was just different. It gave us a really different perspective on the world.”
Q: What life skills did you learn in high school?
A: “How to be more social I would say. Before I was more shy and quiet and now I’m able to communicate with people and talk a little more.”
Q: What is your plan for after high school?
A: “Currently go to Ivy tech and study business management and manage a restaurant one day.”

Daden Thompson
Q: How do you think you’ve changed throughout high school?
A: “I have become more responsible.”
Q: Who was your favorite teacher in high school? Why?
A: “Mr. Trehearne because he pushed me to become a better student in class and a better person in general.”
Q:What is your plan for after high school?
A: “I will be doing construction.”

Elijah Thompson
Q:What was your favorite year from high school?
A: Probably freshman year. It was new and exciting and just a lot of things going on.”
Q: Which class made the biggest impact on you?
A: “Probably Mrs. Hopkins’ class. She was really good at teaching and just the way her methods worked.”
Q: What are your plans after high school?
A: “I’m planning on going to Ball State in the fall and studying business.”

Trey Thornburg
Q: What was your favorite year from high school?
A: “Senior year. I’m the oldest so it’s more chill.”
Q: What are you going to miss most from high school?
A: “Probably my friends. I probably won’t see them as much, and it’s fun hanging out with them.”
Q: What are your plans after high school?
A: “I’m going to Ball State to study business.”

Alyssa Thorpe
Q: What are you going to miss most from high school?
A: “Seeing everyone every day. I’m going out of state so I’m going to miss all my friends here.”
Q: What class made the biggest impact on you?
A: “My favorite class I’ve taken all of high school is weightlifting. I love it, it’s just fun.”
Q: What are your plans after high school?
A: “I’m going to Purdue for Nursing.”

Codie Thrash
Q: How do you think you’ve changed throughout high school?
A: “I think I became a better person. I’m better at doing stuff, accomplishing things, accomplishing goals.”
Q: What was your favorite year from high school?
A: “Probably freshman year, honestly. I wasn’t really here sophomore or junior year because of Covid last year and I was sick sophomore year. Freshman year was just fun because of all the seniors and all that.”

Mollie Tuttle
Q: Which class made the biggest impact on you?
A: “I’d have to say probably the honors classes that I’ve taken which will lead on to next year in my Ball State classes. So like English 103-104 and Math 125.”
Q: How do you think you’ve changed throughout high school?
A: “I feel like I’ve definitely matured more and more, just preparing for next year for college, probably.”
Q: What are your plans after high school?
A: “After high school I plan to go to Ball State for nursing and then graduate and move to probably a different state and go from there. I chose nursing because I always like helping people and it makes me happy so I want to continue to do that.”