Jarren Haggard
Q: Who was your favorite teacher in high school? Why?
A: “My favorite teacher was Mr. Orchard because he taught a subject that I really liked: history. He made the class really fun, a lot of the students had a lot of fun in there, so it was a great time.”
Q: What life skills did you learn in high school?
A: “I feel like for me a good class was personal finance. I feel like you actually learned a lot of important things that you’re actually going to use later in life.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “I’m going to college, either Ball State or Purdue, to study anthropology and history.”

Olivia Harrold
Q: What was your favorite year in high school? Why?
A: “Junior year because there were more opportunities to do things and we were older so we could take advantage of those opportunities.”
Q: What are some top items on your bucket list?
A: “I would like to travel to at least every state in the United States.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “I am planning to go to Ball State to become a veterinarian.”

Jared Hart
Q: What was your funniest moment in high school?
A: “My friend Cayden accidentally dropped a ranch cup on the lunch floor and someone stepped on it and it got all over Cayden.”
Q: What’s one word to describe this school year? Why?
A: “Very fun because I have a lot of easy classes so it was really easy and a lot of laughing moments.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “I have a bunch of jobs lined up so I’m not really planning on going to college.”

Leah Hayes
Q: What was your most embarrassing moment in high school?
A: “My locker freshman year was always really jammed and it wouldn’t open and so one time I was yanking on the door trying to get it open and I fell backwards in the hallway and everyone was watching me.”
Q: What or who are you going to miss most from high school?
A: “My friends, I know we’re all going to different places. Hopefully we can meet up later and see each other.”
Q; What are your plans for after high school?
A: “I’m going to Ball State to study forensic psychology.”
Peyton Hazelwood
Q: What life skills did you learn from high school?
A: “None.”
Q: Which class made the biggest impact on you? Why?
A: “Intro to Agriculture.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “Chillin’ like a villain with 3 million buckaroos.”

Emily Himes
Q: What was your favorite co-curricular activity?
A: “Probably the CLUE play. It was like a murder mystery and it was a lot of fun.”
Q: What was your most embarrassing moment in high school?
A: “My friend Mary brought a fake gun to school for a skit we were doing and we got in trouble for it.”
Q: What class had the biggest effect?
A: “Mr. Omstead’s class taught me a lot about writing and English.”
Q: What are your after high school plans?
A: “College probably.”

Landon Hines
Q: What life skills have you learned during high school?
A: “I learned a lot in high school. Hard work always pays off in the long run. Keep your head down and work hard and show up on time and you’ll do just fine.”
Q: How do you think you’ve changed throughout high school?
A: “I’ve changed a lot in high school. I’ve matured into a young man ready to start the next big chapter in my life and I’m ready.”
Q: What are your plans as far as college, trade school, military, or going straight into the workforce?
A: “My plan after high school is to go directly into the workforce. In November I’m going to fill out my application to the local operator’s union and run heavy equipment.”
Q: What was your funniest high school moment?
A: “I’ve had too many funny moments in school to remember. Mr. Grams’ class was always fun. But landscape is where the funniest thing happened. Me and my buddy Brice Davis got a go-kart and brought it in to work on it and it was just the funniest thing ever. It was a piece of junk and everything was broken on it and we broke some stuff on it, too. I cracked some knuckles. It was a great time.”

Traceston Hollowell
Q: What are some life skills you’ve learned during high school?
A: “Definitely learning how to weld, becoming my own man and working.”
Q: What are you going to miss most about Delta?
A: “Nothing really, maybe my friends.”
Q: What class has made the biggest impact on you?
A: “Probably my welding class during my sophomore year.”
Q: What are your plans as far as college, trade school, military, or going straight into the workforce?
A: “I’m going to go into the workforce.”

Haley Honey
Q: How do you think you’ve changed throughout high school?
A: “I’ve definitely grown.”
Q: What is your most embarrassing high school moment?
A: “A yeti cup fell on top of my head.”
Q: What are your plans as far as college, trade school, military, or going straight into the workforce?
A: “I’m going to go to IU and study business.”
Q: What is your top bucket list item?
A: “I want to travel.”

Callum Hotmire
Q: What is your funniest high school moment?
A: “We would screw with people’s computers in Mr. Curry’s room so when they got back to their computer there would be like 100 random folders on it.”
Q: What is one word you would use to describe your senior year?
A: “Okay.”
Q: What is your favorite year during high school?
A: “Junior Year, it sucked, but it was fun.”
Q: What are your plans as far as college, trade school, military, or going straight into the workforce?
A: “College for sure, I just don’t know what yet.”

Cody Howard
Q: What do you think you are going to miss most about high school?
A: “Seeing all my friends every day.”
Q: What is your funniest high school moment?
A: “Seeing kids go at it and fight in the hallway.”
Q: What piece of advice would you give to the underclassmen?
A: “Do what you want to do as soon as possible because it goes quick.”
Q: What are your plans as far as college, trade school, military, or going straight into the workforce?
A: “I’m going to Ball State to study Architecture.”

Brady Hunt
Q: What was your favorite high school moment?
A: “Probably playing in front of 10,000 people my sophomore year in the sectional games.”
Q: What do you think you’re going to miss most about high school?
A: “All the people. I’ve been here since 2nd grade so I know almost everyone here. Everyone’s a friendly face.”
Q: What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given during high school?
A: “Work hard in everything you do, give your best effort and put good into the world.”
Q: What are your plans as far as college, trade school, military, or going straight into the workforce?
A: “I’m going to Ball State to play football and major in either business or something in the medical field.”

Brandon Jackson
Q: What is your favorite sports moment in high school?
A: “State tennis doubles semifinals against Munster.”
Q: What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given during high school?
A: “To be happy, but never satisfied.”
Q: What class had the biggest impact on you?
A:“Chemistry with Mr. Trehearne.”
Q: What are your plans as far as college, trade school, military, or going straight into the workforce?
A: “I’m going to Ball State to study sports science.”