Sara Cardemon
Q: Which class made the biggest impact on you? Why?
A: “I would say ceramics because it makes me see how much I love art.”
Q: What/ Who are you going to miss most from high school? Why?
A: “I’m going to miss my friends because I don’t think we are going to the same college and all of my teachers a lot. I’m just going to miss everybody.”
Q: Who was your favorite teacher in high school? Why?
A: “I would say Mr. Stevens. He was the French teacher. I feel he just went out of his way to help in any way he could. He was really kind to all of us.”
Q: What are your plans as far as college, trade school, military, or going straight into the workforce?
A: “I’m going to go to college, I’m not sure where yet, but I want to study graphic design.”
Q: Why do you want to do that?
A: “Ceramics taught me that I really like art, and in an age where technology is really growing. I think it’s good to have a degree that will be used for a computer.”
Q: What do you plan to do as an adult as far as your career?
A: “Once I start to see what graphic design is, I’ll see what to do afterwards.”

Anye’a Carter
Q: How do you think you’ve changed throughout high school?
A: “I have grown from trying to fit in to doing my own thing.”
Q: Who was your favorite teacher in high school? Why?
A: “Mrs. Hopkins because she makes sure you know the thing.”
Q: Where and what do you plan on studying?
A: “Chemistry and I’m going to Ball State.”
Q: What do you plan to do as an adult as far as your career?
A: “Open up a dental office.”

Logan Clanin
Q: What life skills did you learn in high school?
A: “How to manage my time, get work done, and work with my responsibilities.”
Q: What was your favorite year of high school? Why?
A: “Probably freshman year because everything was new and was easy.”
Q: Who was your favorite teacher in high school? Why?
A: “Mrs. Hopkins because she’s fun and energetic.”
Q: What are your plans as far as college, trade school, military, or going straight into the workforce?
A: “Go to college for criminal injustice.”
Q: Where do you plan on studying?
A: “Ball State.”
Q: Why do you want to do that?
A: “Just something I’ve been interested in my whole life.”
Q: What do you plan on doing as an adult as far as your career?
A: “Probably start a police officer work center.”

Evan Conley
Q: How do you think you’ve changed throughout high school?
A: “I feel like I’ve gotten more mature.”
Q: What/Who are you going to miss most from high school? Why?
A: “There are a couple teachers from Delta that I’m going to miss because they felt relatable and they just cared about me.”
Q: What is a piece of advice you’d give to underclassmen or incoming freshmen?
A: “Don’t wish it away because as soon as you do it will go by so fast.”
Q: What are your plans as far as college, trade school, military, or going straight into the workforce?
A: “I’m going to college at Miami (Ohio) University and I’m going to be a chemical engineer.”
Q: Why do you want to do that?
A: “I’ve just always had an interest in math sciences. I’ve been taking engineering classes since I was a freshman, technology classes in middle school.”
Q: What do you plan on doing as an adult as far as your career?
A: “As a career hopefully I can continue the mechanical engineer, where I’m not sure yet.”

Ethan Corey
Q: How do you think you’ve changed throughout high school?
A: “I think I’ve grown up a lot, maybe immatured a little bit or matured. I think I’ve changed a lot for the better.”
Q: What/Who are you going to miss most from high school? Why?
A: “Definitely all the free time that I had because school gave me basically six hours to do most things.”
Q: What was your funniest moment in high school?
A: “Definitely this one time in freshman English class. I farted but coughed like I coughed so hard I farted and like nobody heard my fart but only I heard my fart and it was the funniest thing to me even so funny I could not stop laughing so I got sent to the back of the classroom.”
Q: What are your plans as far as college, trade school, military, or going straight into the workforce?
A: “I’m going to Ivy Tech for culinary and then from there I’m working in restaurants.”

Cameron Cox
Q: What life skills did you learn in high school?
A: “Probably the biggest one for me is personal finance helped a lot.”
Q: How do you think you’ve changed throughout high school?
A: “I’ve gotten a lot more comfortable with myself.”
Q: What’s a piece of advice you’d give to give to underclassmen or incoming freshmen?
A: “Don’t take it for granted because it goes quick. Enjoy it while you can.”
Q: What are your plans as far as college, trade school, military, or going straight into the workforce?
A: “I’m going to Ball State. Right now I’m majoring in landscape architecture and business.”
Q: Why do you want to do that?
A: “It just interests me. I kind of like design stuff and I like landscaping.”

Madyson Cox
Q: What class has had the biggest impact on you?
A: “I would say Mr. Richardson’s English class. I have learned a lot from him. Not just about English, but about life, too.”
Q: What was your favorite year from high school?
A: “My senior year because it is the last one.”
Q: What piece of advice would you give to an underclassmen?
A: “Don’t slack. It is hard to get yourself back and you will regret it.”
Q: What are your plans for the future?
A: “I plan to start at Ivy Tech and then go to Ball State for nursing.”

Payton Cravens
Q: What is one word you would use to describe this school year?
A: “Strange. Covid and everything getting shut down is weird.”
Q: What teacher or teachers had the biggest impact on you?
A: “I like Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Hopkins, and Mrs. Raleigh.”
Q: What are your plans for the future?
A: “I am going straight to the workforce.”

Leslie Daughtery
Q: What have you learned from managing sports teams?
A: “I learned what I wanted to do for my future.”
Q: How have you changed throughout high school?
A: “I have grown up.”
Q: What is your best memory from managing a sport?
A: “Meeting my best friend.”
Q: What are your plans for the future?
A: “I plan on going to college for sports management.”

Madalin Davis
Q What was your favorite year from high school?
A “Sophomore year. I had a lot going on and my classes were pretty easy.”
Q What will you miss most from high school?
A “Not seeing my friends every day. I feel like I won’t see them as much.”
Q What was your favorite moment in high school?
A “Probably when I fell down the stairs. I was going down them and I tripped.”
Q What are your plans for the future?
A “I am going to college for nursing.”

Arabella Dearinger
Q: Who was your favorite teacher from high school?
A: “Mrs. Hopkins. I think she teaches very well.”
Q: What is a piece of advice you would give to an underclassmen?
A: “Turn in your work on time. It can bite you in the end.”
Q: What is your best moment in a sport?
A: “My freshman year in volleyball, I got player of the game against Carroll and I scored the game-winning point in the last set.”
Q: What are your plans for the future?
A: “I am going to Murray State next year to continue my volleyball career and I am going to study telecommunications.”

Kylie Del Pozzi
Q: How have you changed through high school?
A: “My freshman year, I was really secluded. I didn’t feel like I was comfortable talking about my opinions. My senior year, I decided I cannot be silent on current issues and what has happened this past year.”
Q: What is the class that has had the biggest impact?
A: “I would say my art classes. The teachers have shown the most support and maybe that’s because it is not a traditional class. I owe a lot of my self-confidence to Ms. Fuller and Mrs. Zacek.”
Q: What are some items on your bucket list?
A: “I want to see a lot of historical monuments. A couple years ago, I was able to see Stonehenge. And I would like to go see the palace of Versailles in France.”
Q: What are your plans for your future?
A: “I will be taking a gap year before I go to community college to get all of my general education credits and then I will be trying to get into a tech school in Washington State. The plan is to become a graphic designer.”

Bruce DeWees III
Q: One word you would use to describe this year?
A: “Trouble. Covid.”
Q: What are you going to miss the most from high school?
A: “Definitely football. I have played it every year since I can remember.”
Q: What are some items on your bucket list?
A: “Go to Hawaii, actually graduate high school.”
Q: Best memory from high school football?
A: “The bus rides. It was freshman year and a guy peed in a bottle and threw it out the window.”
Q: What are your plans as far as your future?
A: “I am going to Ivy Tech to study criminal justice. Then I am going to Anderson to study criminal justice and play football.”

Tynan Dishman
Q: What class has had the biggest impact on you?
A: “I would say my Anatomy class because I want to major in nursing next year. I feel like that has really motivated me and helped me to see what I want to do.”
Q: What is your best moment in a sport?
A: “I would say making it to state freshman year. It really opened my eyes and showed me how hard I had worked that season to get there. It is just something that I had never experienced before that.”
Q: What was your favorite school year in high school?
A: “Sophomore year because Corona was not a thing and everything was normal. We had a good tennis and volleyball season. I feel like I made a lot of good memories that year.”
Q: What are your plans for the future?
A: “I plan on going to Ball State to major in nursing.”

Logan Drown
Q: What is your best moment in a sport?
A: “That is really hard. I have been a four year varsity player for baseball and football. If I had to pick one, it is kind of a collection of moments. In football, I never lost a game to Yorktown. I was a contributor for those games and that is something that is special and I will always remember.”
Q: What are some top items on your bucket list?
A: “I would like to go skydiving. My bucket list is kind of my career list. I really want to go into the FBI. I want to do that as a career, but it is on my bucket list. Doing something bigger than yourself is kind of special.”
Q: Who was your favorite teacher?
A: “I would say Mrs. Blakely. You can walk in her room, and she will brighten up your day.”
Q: What are your plans for the future?
A: “I am going to Ball State to study criminal justice. Then I plan on going to state police. Then I plan on starting the process of getting into the FBI.”