Hayden Armstrong
Q: What is your favorite memory from high school?
A: “Definitely the Friday night football games.”
Q: Who was your favorite teacher from high school? Why?
A: “Ms. Smith because she treats us like friends not like students.”
Q: What are your future plans for after high school?
A: “I’m planning on going to Ball State and major in Psychology and Special Education. At least that’s the plan for right now. It might change.”

Sam Arnold
Q: What class made the biggest impact on you? Why?
A: “Probably Bio 2 because it’s closest to what I want to do in college.”
Q: How do you think you’ve changed throughout high school?
A: “I think I’ve matured a lot and learned a lot academically.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “I’m planning to go to Eckerd College in Florida.” (Studying Marine Biology)

Zoe Ashcraft
Q: What life skills did you learn in high school?
A: “I really learned time management. Mainly just figuring out when I need to get my assignments done.”
Q: What are some of your top items on your bucket list?
A: “I really want to travel the world, specifically Greece is my top destination. I want to make sure that I stay close to my friends in high school. I don’t want to lose touch with those people.”
Q: Who was your favorite teacher in high school? Why?
A: “My favorite teacher in high school is probably Miss Craw. I’ve always had a personal relationship with her. I’ve been in her classroom all four years, whether as a student or a TA. She cares about me more than a student, I’m like a person to her.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “I’m looking at going to college at Loyola University up in Chicago and studying political science. I want to make a career in either government or politics and potentially get my law degree.”

Jordan Ashton
Q: Which class made the biggest impact on you? Why?
A: “I’d say Econ, because I like financing and the environment aspect of business.”
Q: What’s one word you would use to describe this year? Why?
A: “Hectic but also fun. It was crazy from the back and forth of in-person, but it was still a lot of fun.”
Q: What was your funniest moment in high school?
A: “On the tennis team I was managing for girls’ season and I was called out by the opponent’s coach for saying something that I guess I shouldn’t have said that I didn’t know about.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “I plan on going to Anderson University and get my master’s in Business Administration and also play tennis there as well.”

Kamryn Baker
Q: What class made the biggest impact on you? Why?
A: “Probably Spanish, because I’ve learned a lot about the language and the culture.”
Q: How do you think you’ve changed throughout high school?
A: “I feel like I’ve matured a lot and learned how to manage my time better.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “I’m going to Ball State to study physical therapy.”

Abigail Bamidele
Q: What class made the biggest impact on you? Why?
A: “I would probably say personal finance, mostly just because the stuff that I learned in that class I really think I’m going to be able to apply in real life.”
Q: What are you going to miss the most from high school? Why?
A: “Definitely playing sports. I don’t plan to play anything in college, and playing sports is something that I really like to do so I know I’ll miss that the most.”
Q: What is your best moment ever in a sport?
A: “I’d have to say senior year when we were playing a basketball game against Muncie Central, and it was our first game and it was at their field house. We were down three and we had three minutes left. It was probably the most intense game we ever played, but we were able to just push through and win.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “I’m going to IU to study communication disorders, and then hopefully become a speech therapist.”

Tanner Barber
Q: What was your most embarrassing moment in high school?
A: “Falling up the stairs is probably the most embarrassing thing I’ve done.”
Q: What was your favorite year from high school? Why?
A: “I loved freshman year. It really shaped me into who I am today, and it was the easiest year to do.”
Q: What/who are you to miss from high school? Why?
A: “I’m probably just going to miss not having any responsibilities.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “I really don’t have a plan for out of high school. Right now the plan consists of me going straight into the workforce.”

Justin Barton
Q: What are the top items on your bucket list?
A: “I would definitely say to travel out of the country. I’ve always wanted to go to the Bahamas.”
Q: What life skills did you learn in high school?
A: “How to respect people, really keep my temper, and just to wait things out and not make hasty decisions.”
Q: What was your favorite year from high school? Why?
A: “I’d have to say probably sophomore year, because I had a welding class that was really nice. I also had a lot of friends that year, and it was just all around a great year.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “I’m going to Ball State for Computer Technology and IT.”

Luke Belangee
Q: How do you think you’ve changed throughout high school?
A: “I definitely think I’ve matured and learned to just not procrastinate.”
Q: What piece of advice would you give underclassmen or incoming freshmen?
A: “Just don’t get behind on your work, but most of all just enjoy high school. It goes by super fast.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “Go to Ball State and double major in finance and accounting.”

Sam Bennett
Q: How do you think you’ve changed throughout high school?
A: “I take things a lot more seriously now than when I was a freshman, like in every single sense that exists. My stress levels are a lot higher, but overall I think I got a lot stronger as a person.”
Q: What was your favorite year from high school? Why?
A: “Sophomore year. Besides all the medical problems, because I had some serious health issues around that time that kind of impacted school, but everything else as far as school, social life, and diving it all kind of balanced out. Everything really got jumbled up my junior year. When I was a sophomore things were pretty solid, it was just a really happy year for me.”
Q: What was your funniest moment in high school?
A: “Probably getting teased by Ms. Smith.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “Sign to dive at Purdue University, and right now I’m in exploratory studies. I’m not sure what I want to do, but I got some ambition and high hopes for what I decide on.”

Bryce Berry
Q: What is one piece of advice you would give to underclassmen or incoming freshmen?
A: “Just study hard and don’t waste any time.”
Q: Who was your favorite teacher in high school? Why?
A: “Mr. Keller, because he would always stay after class and come in early in the mornings and help me figure stuff out. He was just a really cool guy.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “I am going to Ivy Tech to study software engineering.”

Natalee Bohanan
Q: What is one piece of advice you’d give to underclassmen or incoming freshmen?
A: “Just keep with it. Don’t get into the ‘senioritis’ thing, keep doing your homework, and don’t give up.”
Q: What was your most embarrassing moment in high school?
A: “The one time I sang before everybody else at a [choir] concert.”
Q: Who or what are you going to miss most from high school? Why?
A: “Probably my choir classes, just because it’s the most fun class, everybody’s really nice, and we’re all really close to each other.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “I don’t know what I want to do after college, so I’m just going to try to get as many classes as I can. I know I want to major in creative writing and minor in photography.”

Cayden Bowman
Q: What was your favorite year of high school? Why?
A: “Sophomore year, me and Alexa got together that year!”
Q: What are some top items on your bucket list?
A: “Go parasailing and take a Jeep up a volcano in Hawaii.”
Q: Who was your favorite teacher in high school?
A: “Mr. Curry.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “I want to become an automotive tech and eventually own a shop!”

Gage Bradburn
Q: What’s a piece of advice you would give to underclassmen or incoming freshmen?
A: “Make sure to keep working hard, in the end you’ll be much better off. Do NOT procrastinate.”
Q: What life skills did you learn in high school?
A: “I learned how to schedule my time conveniently in order to use the hours left after school wisely.”
Q: What class had the biggest impact on you? Why?
A: “No certain class really made a huge impact on my life; however, my senior year made a huge impact on how I see day-to-day life. I graduated early and started working full time.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “My current plan is to work full time until I attend Ball State in August. I will major in Business & Marketing and minor in Communications.”

Jacy Bradley
Q: What was your most embarrassing moment in high school?
A: “One time, during my tennis season sophomore year, I was playing Ultimate Frisbee in my gym class, and my friend ran into me and gave me a concussion. So yeah, it just went a little too hard in gym class, and that was probably one of the most embarrassing moments, just because it was a really stupid way to get a concussion.”
Q: What’s your best moment ever in a sport? Explain the details.
A: “I play tennis. My favorite moment is honestly just anytime we have away matches and stuff, like the moments we all share on the bus rides. It’s just always fun, good environment, and you just really connect with people that you might not normally throughout the school day.”
Q: Who was your favorite teacher in high school? Why?
A: “My favorite teacher in high school is someone that I currently TA for, Senora Fox. She is just one of the sweetest, most understanding teachers I’ve ever had, and she’s just such a fun teacher, and I really love her.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “I’m going to Ball State to major in photojournalism, and as of right now, minor in Spanish.”

Riley Brand
Q: What’s a piece of advice you would give to incoming freshmen or underclassmen?
A: “Do your homework.”
Q: What life skills did you learn in high school?
A: “Being in some of the ag classes, I learned how to weld and work on some other things.”
Q: Who was your favorite teacher in high school? Why?
A: “Mrs. Kunk, because she was the most fun and she really focused on connecting with the students.”
Q: What was your favorite year of high school? Why?
A: “Probably my senior year, because I took mostly easy classes.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “I plan to go to Huntington University to study ag business.”

Ashleigh Brelage
Q: Who was your favorite teacher in high school? Why?
A: “I have not necessarily had one favorite teacher in high school. If I had to name a few of my favorites, I would say Mr. Seidner, Suzy Fox, or Mr. Omstead. I feel like they have all been very kind and willing to help me learn and improve both in the classroom and as a person in general. I do not know who I would say is my favorite throughout the entire corporation because I have had many good teachers in the past.”
Q: What/who are you going to miss most from high school? Why?
A: “Honestly, I do not know what I will miss from high school. (I am so ready to be in college not going to lie). I probably most miss having fun activities like Homecoming, school dances, sports, and Riley Dance Marathon to name a few.”
Q: What are some top items on your bucket list?
A: “I would love to go mudding or paint-balling at some point. I also really want to release a floating lantern eventually because I feel like that would be really special. It is hard to think beyond college at the moment because that is such a big focus senior year, but I would enjoy traveling eventually.”
Q: What are your plans after high school?
A: “After graduation, I will attend Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, to study Communication Design (this is graphic design with a fancy name) and take part in the Honors College.”
Amaya Bradshaw
Q: What was your favorite year of high school? Why?
A: “My favorite year from high school was probably my sophomore year, because it was my first year here at Delta and that gave me the chance to meet new people and make new friendships as well.”
Q: Who was your favorite teacher in high school? In the corporation? Why?
A: “My favorite teacher in high school, as well as the school corporation, would probably have to be Mrs. Hopkins, because she makes learning in her class much more fun and interesting.”
Q. What are some top items on your bucket list?
A: “The top items on my bucket list are to spend more time with my friends before we head off to college, then the second is to travel as much as possible, and last is to get a place of my own after I am finished with college.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “I have to do two years at Ivy Tech and then I can transfer to somewhere like Ball State. And I’m kind of still trying to decide on whether I should study something along the lines of Fashion (like I originally planned to) or something along the lines of History.”

Ashleigh Brosher
Q: What’s one word you would use to describe this year? Why?
A: “Tiring; It’s like you know when you’re a senior, you just want everything to be done and ready to go.”
Q: What are some of your top items on your bucket list?
A: “Go out of state once.”
Q: What’s a piece of advice you’d give to incoming freshmen or underclassmen?
A: “Try your best.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “In August, I’m attending Ivy Tech, so I’m going to take my summer off and then head back to school for business.”
Brandon Brown
Q: What’s one word you would use to describe this year?
A: “One word to describe this year is chaotic.”
Q: Which class made the biggest impact on you? Why?
A: “Which class made the biggest impact on me was my advanced manufacturing class my junior year, because I learned so much different stuff.”
Q: Who was your favorite teacher in high school? In the corporation? Why?
A: “My favorite teacher is Mr. Grams. I had him my sophomore and junior year. He’s my favorite teacher because he helped me learn a bunch of new things in both my manufacturing classes, and he opened a ton of opportunities for me.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “I’m not 100 percent sure, but I think I want to go to trade school after high school.”

Sam Buchanan
Q: How do you think you’ve changed throughout high school?
A: “I think I’ve changed as a person being around friends, just hanging out with them a lot more in school, and it’s changed my personality.”
Q: What life skills did you learn in high school?
A: “Being a better person and managing your money.”
Q: Who was your favorite teacher in high school? Why?
A: “Mrs. Blakely; She’s got the greatest personality out of all teachers.”
Q: What are some top items on your bucket list?
A: “Skydiving and meeting Michael Jordan.”
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: “Go to Ball State to study business.”

Justin Burcham
Q: Which class made the biggest impact on you? Why?
A: “Government because you learn a lot about how to learn to appreciate our life.”
Q: What life skills did you learn in high school?
A: “How to really use time and try to get all my assignments done.”
Q: What’s a piece of advice you’d give to underclassmen or incoming freshmen?
A: “Don’t take time for granted”
Q: What are your plans as far as college, trade school, military, or going straight into the workforce?
A: “I plan on going to trade school to become certified in HVAC.”
Q: Why do you want to do that?
A: “I know some family that work in HVAC.”

Luke Burkle
Q: What are some top items on your bucket list?
A: “A top item on my bucket list is to go to Australia.”
Q: What’s a piece of advice you’d give to underclassmen or incoming freshmen?
A: “I would say enjoy your time in high school. It will go by fast.”
Q: What are your plans as far as college, trade school, military, or going straight into the workforce?
A: “I plan to go to Anderson University and study computer science with hope to become a software engineer.”
Q: Why do you want to do that?
A: “I want to do that because I enjoy technology and it runs in the family.”